Posted by: Gavin Heward | 01/02/2012

What does the New Year mean for you?

What does the New Year mean for you?

OK, OK, so it’s February – but it takes that long for the holidays and come down from christmas and New Year celebrations and excitement to really end!

New Year Resolutions….mmmm… many people have found themselves either not upholding or even breaking those resolutions within let’s say….a week….a month…..and for the most hardiest of stalwarts of these positive intentions, perhaps even through to winter (or summer if you are up in the “top half” of the world!). As a practitioner, coach and therapist I see many reasons for these resolutions dropping off so quickly. But perhaps the one reason that encompasses all the others is lack of discipline, which surely begs the question “if the concept of discipline is so ineffective why do people rely on it so much?”. The discipline issue is often a factor in diet books that are not read, gym memberships that are rarely used, and recipes that are not made!

But this is hardly surprising – is there anyone who really enjoys discipline? Let’s take a look at some definitions…..

– the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct behaviour

– punish or rebuke formally for an offense

– train oneself to do something in a controlled way

So let’s see…..discipline is often equated with obeying rules that usually aren’t our rules, punishment, and control. Perhaps THAT is why discipline doesn’t work! Way too many ‘have to’s” for most people. Which normally leads to resentment and further down the track, failure. Doesn’t exactly fill most people with happiness and joy does it?

Now let’s consider the Love Principle. The Love Principle was expounded by Walter Russell in a rather beautiful way. Except Walter Russell is just a little too “out there” for a lot of people. (But check him out and form your own conclusions) So let’s change it to the Self Love Principle. It’s pretty easy don’t you think? Doing things for yourself because you love yourself and would like the best outcome for you. It sure makes a difference when deciding not to have that piece of cheesecake because it won’t contribute to the version of you that you love – mirror that with not having the cheesecake because it’s bad and will invoke some kind of punishment in the form of an extra hard workout or feelings of shame or guilt. See the difference?

Secret of Light. Walter Russell

"Secret of Light" by Walter Russell

Which one would you rather experience? Using the Self Love Principle helps turn the concept of discipline on it’s head while helping you guide yourself to exactly what it is you want rather than discipline forcing you to avoid what you don’t want. It makes sense don’t you think?

So if you have some New Year’s resolutions try applying the Self Love Principle to it and see how you go. If one is to do something for an entire year, then it’s far more likely to happen through a “want to” attitude than a “have to” attitude. At the end of the day what have you got to lose except positive thoughts and feelings? Let me know how you go by posting a comment below. Have a wonderful 2012 humanity!


  1. Very interesting! Great reframe on discipline. I had one myself as it relates to discipline and structure in the last few months. I went from feeling they were restrictive and lack of control to liberating. What a difference it made! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I totally agree; changing yourself – both inside and out – is a full-time commitment. Great post and I look forward to sharing more:))

  3. Love yourself and your body and it will give back in kind :0)

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